Sunday, December 7, 2008

Writing 101 Reflective Letter

Although Writing 101 class was only one quarter long, I have learned more in the duration of this class about writing, than I had during any year of high school. Besides learning about writing, this class also helped me learn more about life, because it was a more difficult and trying class than I had ever experienced. I had to reach within myself for a strength previously unknown to me. I would definitely say that this class made me a better person, and, despite some hard times, I am so glad to have taken it.

Writing class was sometimes quite fun, and other times it was a bit of a drag. I enjoyed the first half of the class more than the second half. Although I was at first skeptic about it, I did like the “They Say, I Say” writing textbook. It really did help me in my writing…In fact it was probably the second most practically useful textbook I had read (the first being a book for Marriage & Relationships class in high school). I very much enjoyed “On Keeping a Notebook” and wish we would’ve read more things like that! But I know it didn’t have to do with history, so it wouldn’t be relevant to the class. I liked it so much that I think I’m going to go find it and read it again…Maybe show it to friends even…I even enjoyed the writing we did about Bacon’s Rebellion, but it did get old after awhile.

I say that I didn’t like the second half of the quarter as much because I feel the things we wrote about were not nearly as interesting as what we wrote about in the first half. It was a lot of stuff about politics and government in early America which does not interest me at all. The debate was kind of fun after the retaliation part began, but the before part was stressful for a lot of students. I think we would’ve all been more successful it we could choose our group members, since quite a few groups seemed to clash. Though I realize this is impractical to life since we won’t always choose who we work with.

In this class, some weaknesses of mine were made apparent. Although I might have already known them, they were made ever so clearer with the pressure of new, college-level classes. I do not work well under pressure, or with a short time limit (an example of this would be our second essay), and I tend to take everything personally (I’m getting much better at that though). A weakness that I came into the classroom with, but thankfully left behind, was basing my self-worth off of grades. One reason I like PSEC is that it doesn’t seem to be as grade-based as high school is, but, still, when I did see my grade results, and they weren’t what I wanted, I was no longer a happy person. In high school, I was used to getting As, and then Bs in subjects I struggled with more (like math), but I have learned to get over that. For even if I fail one test, essay, or maybe even a whole class, it does not make me, personally, a failure. I am only a failure when I give up; as long as I keep trying, striving, then, I am a winner.

Besides improving weaknesses, I found new strengths in this class also. One thing is that I can better cope with my stress and emotions. I also became a stronger essay writer. One of my strengths in the class is that I enjoy writing, though more specifically creative writing, like I am really enjoying writing this letter, but I also like school writing. Another strength of mine is my drive and my motivation. I am shooting for a far away goal, but I believe I can achieve it (my dream career). Also, another goal I am shooting for which keeps me motivated is that I want to always be working on being a better person, always improving myself, never just sitting in one place, but always reaching forward. Finally, although this strength applies generally to life but it also helps in the classroom, I always love myself, love others, and love life (even during the dark times), and I would also say that’s another motivator to work hard.


Araina said...

This is pretty good for a rough draft. Make sure you add quotes from your work for evidence. You do a lot of reflecting of the class in general, which is good, but make sure you watch the length, but overall keep up the good work.

Alina said...

This is a good start for your reflection, but I think their needs to be more about your papers and essays that you will have in your portfolio and less about what was good about the class and what not. Though I do agree with what you were saying. This is supposed to be an introduction for your portfolio and a guide for the reader on your strengths and weaknesses as they read through your essays once more. I think your on the right track, so just keep expanding your progress on the writing skills you have developed.

Kitsune said...

Thanks, Alina, I didn't actually realize that it was supposed to be specifically about the essays. That's kinda dumb. :-/

Araina, quoting sounds like a good idea, even though I'm not really sure how I would do that...But I'll try...And I have no clue what you meant by 'watch the length'. I don't think there's a length requirement, is there?